B&W Engineering provides a full range of services to help you maintain your highest levels of quality and efficiencies.
· On-Site or In-House Systems Calibration
· In-House PIND, Vibration, and Mechanical Shock Testing
· Design and Build Custom Acoustic Sensor, Shock, and Vibration Solutions
Detect Particles in Products, High Impact Shock Test Systems, Environmental Test Equipment.

B&W provides services of PIND, Shock and Vibration when purchasing equipment is not justified. We use the same equipment and the qualified technicians that build them, to test your products. You will receive a test report and photographs of the testing with rapid turnaround.
Keeping your system calibrated is key to ensuring production quality and effectiveness. One of our technicians will come to your facility and perform a full diagnostic and calibration of your B&W Engineering equipment and provide you with a Certification of Calibration good for one year.
A typical calibration visit is scheduled for 1-3 days. Based on your needs, we can schedule your calibration appointment in as few as 3 business days. Typically, these calibration appointments are scheduled two weeks in advance.

Keeping your system calibrated is key to ensuring your production quality and effectiveness and contract readiness. When you ship your system to our facility, one of our technicians will perform a full diagnostic and calibration of your B&W Engineering equipment and provide you with a Certification of Calibration good for one year.
Typically, we can calibrate and ship your equipment back to you within 5 business days.
Instructions on returning your system for calibration service:
On-Site PIND Tester Calibration*
Details: Travel to your site and Perform System Calibration
In-House PIND Tester Calibration
Details: Perform System Calibration
Request quotation
Download PDF: Calibrate a BW-LPD-DAQ4000
Download PDF: Calibrate a BW-LPD-D4000
Download PDF: Calibrate a BW-LPD-B2000
Download PDF: Material Safety Data Sheet
Mechanical Shock
Custom Solutions
*Not available in all locations
**Includes airfare, equipment handling, and travel time (door to door, not to exceed 8 hrs a day)